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A Little More About Me


I graduated in 1994 with a degree in Chemical Engineering and Technical Writing from Carnegie Mellon University. Nearly immediately, I realized I needed to do something more meaningful to me, which led me to psychology.

In 2004 I received my doctorate in clinical psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies from one of their only APA-accredited cohorts. CIIS is focused on a very high level of scholarship at the edges of the mainstream, with emphases on mindfulness, integration of wisdom from many sources, and personal ethics.

My dissertation studied how performance poets resolved internal conflict through writing, rehearsing, and performing poems about their traumas. My access to and interest in the arts continues to be linked to performance poetry and the community of performance poets nationwide.

I still maintain a small psychology practice which I began in Boise in 2013.


In 2015 I became certified by the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology as an Advanced Clinical Practitioner of EFT.


In February of 2020, I became a Certified Eden Energy Practitioner.

My publications to date focus on the healing potential of writing and public performance of personal narrative.

Although of course I love to work with engineers, artists, and poets, the real commonality in the people I work with is their courage and willingness to look within themselves. I am very grateful to work in a profession that helps people not only heal from pain, but also find and care for their innermost truths and desires.

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