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Taiji Pole - clearing and balancing

Taiji Pole - clearing and balancing

I clear 11 points of the taiji pole: the seven chakras, plus two sun stars above the head, and two below the feet, all in a line.

1. Check that the point is open: Make a three finger notch with your first two fingers and thumb, point it at the point of the pole you are clearing, and do your general indicator test.

Does it test strong? If not, figure 8 the point and try again!

2. Check that the polarity of the point is good: Put fingertips down in direction of the point and test - is it strong? Put fingernails down in direction of point and test - is it weak?

If not, flip fingernails. fingertips back and forth over the point, and try again!

3. Check that energy is moving through the point: Make an X over the point and test - is it strong?

If not, figure 8 the point and try again!

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